On 3rd January, 2017 a Chinese transgender Chen won a legal challenge against his wrongful dismissal from his job at the Ciming Health Checkup Centre on the basis of his appearance. The lawsuit was China’s first such case of discrimination. The court also awarded Chen his monthly wage. We witnessed a distressing news at the edge of the previous year. On 30th December, 2016, India’s first transgender college principle has submitted her resignation after about one-and-a-half years in office, expressing frustration at “non-cooperation” of a section of teachers and students of her institution. In comparison to those news, definitely 2017 brings a new shower of hope to us.
But Why and When You Look Up the Write Up…!
We are not here to compare to the sensitive issue. We are always positive towards society and hopefully, the prototype mentality will be changed randomly in one day. Yet, not for being judgmental towards anything or anyone, today we are writing this column to transgender.
To You All,
We know people will judge you, mistreat you all and even tell you that you all are your own kind. But there are very rare who can tell you ‘I miss you’; very rarely people are there on this earth, in this planet will tell you “I can hear the song of our lives together.’’ Very rarely they can give you all the touch to feel you beside them when they are writing alphabets for you. Even if, instead of getting judged, mistreated, if you are sympathetically treated, very rare person exists on earth who can smell the scent of wildflower when they remind you. Maybe, it will never come even after two, three or four decades. But don’t be upset; don’t be upset anyhow.
Maybe, very rarely you will receive someone here to adore you; but soon afterwards, one day you all will receive someone there to learn from you. To learn something from the each drop of your sweat, each drop from your hidden tears for every winning and every loosing. It is you all only who can give the learning that not a common life can give.
So, don’t get distressed by the rolling clouds of society. We know some distant fogs rise and make you all detached from the common living of society. But apart from the learning and someday we, the people will also feel all of your sadness and your own loneliness. May be, deep inside we all will also cherish to go along with you; but Your only response is to shake your head to know it’s impossible; not for us; but for you.
Maybe, from 2017 onward, one day will come when our society will remember everything about you. Instead of making you only headlines of newspaper, people will learn not to care about others’ prototype thinking as they will bow their head in front of you and will cry, and cry and cry.
Your Proud Supporter
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