
The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache®


Wilmington, DE, Oct. 07, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache® OpenOffice® 4.1.11

Updates to security and availability of leading Open Source office document productivity suite

Wilmington, DE —7 October 2021— The Apache® Software Foundation (ASF), the world’s largest Open Source foundation, announced today Apache OpenOffice® 4.1.11, the popular Open Source office-document productivity suite.

Used by millions of organizations, institutions, and individuals around the world, Apache OpenOffice delivered 317M+ downloads* and provides more than $25M in value to users per day. Apache OpenOffice supports more than 40 languages, offers hundreds of ready-to-use extensions, and is the productivity suite of choice for governments seeking to meet mandates for using ISO/IEC standard Open Document Format (ODF) files.

“Users worldwide depend on OpenOffice to meet their office productivity needs,” said Carl Marcum, Vice President of Apache OpenOffice. “We are proud to offer improved security and availability with our latest release. Businesses of all sizes across numerous industries, educational institutions, non-profits, digitally-inclusive communities, application developers, and countless others rely on Apache OpenOffice to efficiently create, manage, and deliver high-impact, integrated content.”

Apache OpenOffice comprises six productivity applications: Writer (word processor), Calc (spreadsheet tool), Impress (presentation editor), Draw (vector graphics drawing editor), Math (mathematical formula editor), and Base (database management program). The OpenOffice suite ships for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Apache OpenOffice v4.1.11
The 14th release under the auspices of the ASF, OpenOffice v4.1.11 reflects dozens of improvements, features, and bug fixes that include:

  • New Writer Fontworks gallery
  • Updated document types where hyperlink is allowed
  • Updated Windows Installer
  • Increased font size in Help

In addition, the project is mitigating 5 CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) reports, three of which will be disclosed on 11 October, in coordination with The Document Foundation.

Apache OpenOffice delivers up to 2.4M downloads per month and is available as a free download to all users at 100% no cost, charge, or fees of any kind.

Apache OpenOffice is available on the Windows 11 Store as of 5 October 2021.

OpenOffice source code is available for anyone who wishes to enhance the applications. The Project welcomes contributions back to the project as well as its code community. Those interested in participating with Apache OpenOffice can learn more at .

* partial count: the number above reflects full-install downloads of Apache OpenOffice via SourceForge as of September 2021.

Of special note, Apache OpenOffice 4.1.11 is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Patricia Shanahan, late member of the Apache OpenOffice Project Management Committee, former member of the ASF Board of Directors, former Vice President Apache River, and contributor to Apache Community Development. More information on Patricia can be found at the ASF’s memorial page .

Availability and Oversight
Apache OpenOffice software is released under the Apache License v2.0 and is overseen by a volunteer, self-selected team of active contributors to the project. A Project Management Committee (PMC) guides the Project’s day-to-day operations, including community development and product releases. The project strongly recommends that users download OpenOffice only from the official site to ensure that they receive the original software in the correct and most recent version.

About Apache OpenOffice
Apache OpenOffice is a leading Open Source office-document productivity suite comprising six productivity applications: Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math, and Base. OpenOffice is based around the OpenDocument Format (ODF), supports 40+ languages, and ships for Windows, macOS, and Linux. OpenOffice originated as “StarOffice” in 1985 by StarDivision, who was acquired by Sun Microsystems in 1999. The project was open-sourced under the name “”, and continued development after Oracle Corporation acquired Sun Microsystems in 2010. OpenOffice entered the Apache Incubator in 2011 and graduated as an Apache Top-level Project in October 2012. Apache OpenOffice delivers up to 2.4 Million downloads each month is the productivity suite of choice for hundreds of educational institutions and government organizations seeking to meet mandates for using ISO/IEC standard Open Document Format (ODF) files. For more information, including documentation and ways to become involved with Apache OpenOffice, visit and .

About The Apache Software Foundation (ASF)
Established in 1999, The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) is the world’s largest Open Source foundation, stewarding 227M+ lines of code and providing more than $22B+ worth of software to the public at 100% no cost. The ASF’s all-volunteer community grew from 21 original founders overseeing the Apache HTTP Server to 850+ individual Members and 206 Project Management Committees who successfully lead 350+ Apache projects and initiatives in collaboration with 8,200+ Committers through the ASF’s meritocratic process known as “The Apache Way”. Apache software is integral to nearly every end user computing device, from laptops to tablets to mobile devices across enterprises and mission-critical applications. Apache projects power most of the Internet, manage exabytes of data, execute teraflops of operations, and store billions of objects in virtually every industry. The commercially-friendly and permissive Apache License v2 is an Open Source industry standard, helping launch billion dollar corporations and benefiting countless users worldwide. The ASF is a US 501(c)(3) not-for-profit charitable organization funded by individual donations and corporate sponsors including Aetna, Alibaba Cloud Computing, Amazon Web Services, Anonymous, Baidu, Bloomberg, Capital One, Cloudera, Comcast, Confluent, Didi Chuxing, Facebook, Google, Huawei, IBM, Indeed, Microsoft, Namebase, Pineapple Fund, Red Hat, Replicated, Reprise Software, Talend, Target, Tencent Cloud, Union Investment, Workday, and Yahoo. For more information, visit and .

© The Apache Software Foundation. “Apache”, “OpenOffice”, “Apache OpenOffice”, and “ApacheCon” are registered trademarks or trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation in the United States and/or other countries. All other brands and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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