APON is urging a full DOJ investigation
WASHINGTON, Sept. 13, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — American Property Owners Network (APON) is calling on all Congressmembers and 2022 political candidates to support shutting down foreclosure mill activity—still occurring on a massive scale across the country despite the national mortgage settlements–pending a full Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation.
With mid-terms approaching, APON is releasing a policy memo identifying solutions to the problems facing homeowners in the era of questionable home-lending and securitization practices. They hope incumbent Congresspeople as well as politicians running in the midterms will respond. APON further calls upon The Capitol to audit its own prior investigations into financial institution wrongdoing, and the compliance of financial institutions with settlements that have been made over the past 12 years.
Some of the problems APON wants resolved include: foreclosure mills continuously being allowed to wrongfully claim injury and file forged documents in our courts; homeowners being forced from their homes without due process; and foreclosure defense attorneys unjustly being disbarred. Further, regarding the ongoing crisis, Wall Street financial expert and APON attorney advisor, Neil Garfield, ( https://livinglies.me/2022/08/31/when-legal-fictions-simply-go-too-far/.) states: “The continuation of current securitization practices will result in another crash similar to 2008, though perhaps not as severe.”
APON has also endorsed the March on Corruption in Washington, DC, on November 1, 2022 being spearheaded by Producer Patrick Lovell of the docuseries The Con. (For the trailer, see https://www.imdb.com/video/vi4033199641/?playlistId=tt12667346&ref_=vp_rv_ap_0.) As The Con exposes, financial crimes on a massive scale were ignored by both Republican and Democrat administrations during the 2004-2016 era, and they continue today.
APON’s President, Leo Blas, a former government official who is facing the fourth foreclosure on his homestead, who represents himself in court, states: “The abuse of process in the courts by mega law firms is allowing the Big Banks to wrongfully dispossess property owners. These abuses are made available to them by judges who are unable or unwilling to understand arguments in favor of homeowners.”
APON is non-profit organization providing a political voice and support for Americans facing unfair home-lending and foreclosure practices. APON estimates that over 15 million homes have been fraudulently foreclosed, with another wave of at least a million more on the horizon.
For more information about APON, contact [email protected]. For information on the March on Corruption, contact [email protected]
View original content:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/homeowners-call-for-shutdown-of-nationwide-foreclosure-mill-machine-301623420.html
SOURCE American Property Owners Network
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