Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Actor-director Manav Sohal, Shravani Goswami paid tribute to Raj Kapoor by launching the song ‘Ek Tara Hoon’ from their film ‘Main Raj Kapoor Ho Gaya’ at RK Studio, Mumbai. On this occasion, Manav Sohal, who has acted in many TV shows including Mahabharat, Shaktimaan, Aryaman presented a tribute to the great showman with a signature pose of Raj Kapoor and Nargis Dutt at the gate of RK Studio. Manav Sohal was dressed like Raj Kapoor with an umbrella and hat. On this occasion Shravani Goswami, who is currently seen in Nath, a TV show on Dangal, posed with Sohal.
Smita Dongre, Manav Sohal, Shravani Goswami and Jiten Mukhi
Manav said, “I am a big fan of Raj Kapoor Saheb and in this film also I am playing the role of one of his fans. This film is close to my heart and a special film for my career. I have written the story and directed as well as played the lead role. All the songs of the film are melodious.”
Manav Sohal shared further, “I have been a big fan of Raj Kapoor Saheb since childhood and the story of this film is not based on the biography of Raj Kapoor, but the story of a fan of Raj Kapoor. Main Raj Kapoor Ho Gaya is the story of a fan who considers Raj Kapoor as everything in his life. Through this film, I have tried to present Raj Kapoor’s philosophy on screen. The pandemic has taught us the importance of relationships and loved ones. Raj Saheb’s thinking was very straight in that era. He used to present the character of a common man on screen very easily. This film also gives the message of love, relationships, brotherhood and humanity.
The film is produced by Mukesh Sharma, Arpit Garg and Arshad Siddiqui and made under the banner of Infovision Entertainment and Mumbai Talkies Company.The film is releasing in theaters on 17 February 2023.