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To change your life you have to start acting, now

The last two years have put our resilience to the test, especially from a mental point of view, with countless people going into deep and seemingly endless crises due to lockdowns, restrictions and all the administrative hurdles that prevented them from travelling, moving around, spending time with friends and loved ones. For many people, the experience of the health emergency was so shocking that it brought about a profound change in their daily routine, erasing old habits and establishing new ones, completely different from before. Even just three or four years ago, each of us could not even have imagined how our lives would change, what immense upheavals we would be subjected to, nor could we have foreseen our own personal change, which in this case is the result of external circumstances and completely uncontrollable by the individual.


Loss of control


After such a shake-up, losing control of one’s life is extremely easy. Those who have lost their job or a loved one, or even simply their hope for a peaceful future, find themselves in a sad condition that seems to have no way out, and are forced to struggle every day, with immense effort, to get by and to find meaning in their existence. Covid-19 has not only altered the health of our bodies, it has also inflicted a terrible shock to our consciences, to our souls, as if a powerful wave had swept over us and pushed us onto the shores of a desert island, more dead than alive, forced to start from scratch to survive in the jungle of our everyday life. Like castaways, we were indeed tossed around relentlessly for almost two years, and some of us were swept along so vehemently that we even forgot ourselves, ending up sucked into a vortex of despondency and black despair.


Embracing change


Those who find themselves in this condition, more often than not, tend to become discouraged and let themselves go, neglecting themselves and relying completely on chance, as if they had lost all interest in their existence. What they do not know, however, is that the solution to their problems is within reach, it is accessible to everyone, and it is also relatively easy to achieve. All that is needed is the right motivation and the will to make significant changes in one’s life in order to get on the path to rebirth right away. If you feel that you do not yet possess the right motivation to initiate this kind of change, we advise you to banish these thoughts and start acting immediately,

regardless of the end result. In this way, you will find that a substantial part of your problems and anxiety can be solved by the activities you decide to indulge in (work, sport, even an exciting hobby or an activity that gives your mind a pleasant feeling). Condemning yourself to apathy, to a forced and unproductive inertia, makes no sense and will not lead to any concrete results. Rather than sitting on your sofa at home all day, passively watching television or obsessively scrolling through the contents of your mobile phone, get out of the house and throw yourself into some new activity, such as volunteering or a dance class or sporting activity of any kind. To regain control of yourself and your life, you need to start taking care of your mind, your well-being, through healthy activities that satisfy you and keep you busy for several hours a day, keeping you away from the causes of your restlessness. When your mind has become accustomed to this active, dynamic condition, potentially harbouring an infinite number of possibilities, your perception of the world will change, and you will feel much more serene.


Among the most satisfying activities you could indulge in are undoubtedly all those thrilling pastimes that keep you firmly anchored to the present, to the ‘here and now’. Some of the best online gambling portals have started offering a rich selection of casino bonus to all their players, easily redeemable and extremely attractive, capable of giving each user a breathtaking and certainly unforgettable experience. Thanks to the use of this kind of bonus, the gaming experience becomes even richer, immersing each player in a truly exceptional dimension of fun and adrenaline. Each game has been carefully selected by the site’s team of experts, who have scrupulously assessed its reliability, punctuality of payments and general online reputation.


Turning our lives around is simple, even trivial. All you have to do is stop, close your eyes for a moment and whisper to yourself: “Now!”.

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