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Facebook removed like button from the public page, only follow button will be used

Facebook has updated the public page on its platform. After the new update, users will not be able to like Facebook Public Page. Facebook has removed the Like button from the public page. Now you can only follow the public page.

Due to the increasing use of social media platforms continuously, the company keep making new changes. According to the need of the users and their benefit, companies like Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram keep updating. Now Facebook has removed the Like option from the public page given on its platform. Facebook believes that the removal of the Like button will increase the followers of public pages. Before Facebook had like and follow option for any celebrities like artists, leader or any organisations. But after the new update, there will be no like option.

Follow option will be present on the Facebook public page

So after this new update, you will be able to follow any public page on Facebook. However, you will also be able to like their earlier posts. Facebook has given information about this on its official blog.

Live chat feature on

Facebook Facebook has launched a live chat feature for its users. In which users can connect with 50 people live through Messenger Rooms. Apart from this, you can also broadcast a room in a group. However, first you need to create a chat room. You can go live directly with the help of a created chat room. You can also invite someone to get added to it, the important thing is that even if that person does not have a Facebook account, you will still be able to send an invoice to him. Apart from this, chat creators will be able to decide themselves who can see your live chat and who does not. A notification will be sent to all users of Rooms to join the live broadcast. After which they will also have the option to join or not to broadcast.


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