WhatsApp is withdrawing its support for some older devices every year. It also includes smartphones that are working on older Android and iOS versions. According to reports, in 2021, WhatsApp will not work on iPhones and Android phones that are working on older operating systems.
WhatsApp currently supports smartphones running Android 4.3 or older and iOS 9 or older. According to a recent report, WhatsApp will now remove support for the Android and iOS versions. This means that WhatsApp will not support android 4.3 or more older and iOS 9 or older. However, WhatsApp has not yet given any official information about this.
Earlier in February this year, WhatsApp withdrew support for phones running Android 2.3.7 and older iOS 8, as well as older versions. In early 2021, support for older Android and iOS versions may be withdrawn from WhatsApp.
Android 4.3 is a very old version, it was launched in 2012. Apple released iOS 9 in 2015. Android 11 and iOS 14 are the latest operating system. So there are very few users using this old version, who will be affected. Because WhatsApp is a famous messaging app used all over the world.
WhatsApp has not yet announced whether the company will discontinue support for these Android devices and iPhones. However, if you are using a phone running Android 4.3 or iOS 9, iPhone users can check the software version by going to Settings> General> About. Android users can check the About Phone section by going to the Settings menu.