The software giant Microsoft is reportedly making Skype based voice calling dialler app on android platform. The Skype team designed this ‘Dialer’ app exclusively for Indian consumers. The Skype service has been extremely successful in western markets. The new app looks like Microsoft’s attempt to capture emerging markets such as India. The company is already beta testing Skype’s India specific version as it is losing its ground in voice calling due to competitors such as WhatsApp and Hike messenger. The new Dialer app will be out by second week of December.
The emerging markets such as India struggle with internet issues such as slow speed and unpredictability of signal. The app is expected to work smoothly on 3G network along with slower 2G network too. It is not confirmed whether the app will have video calling functions and video sharing or not. India will act as good testing ground for an app which expected to be released for other markets later. The United States based company also aims to launch this India specific version of Skype for its very own Windows 10 Mobile platform by next year.
Users can sign up for pre-release version of the app through the Skype Community page. A Microsoft spokesperson explained press that this is part of ongoing effort to deliver best experience to users. He further added that company always tests its new features on smaller user groups first.
Microsoft’s Dialer can be considered as ‘lite’ version of Skype. Companies such as Facebook have already launched lite version of their apps to reduce mobile data consumption. The new app by Microsoft will give more functionalities than traditional phone dialler with smooth Skype integration.