Best Web Hosting Companies For 2019: In a nutshell, hosting is an online space where your business (websites) data lies. Hosting is basically a computer connected to a high-speed Internet connection that loads your website instantly.
Web Hosting is like a house. Most people rent houses or rooms (subscribe to hosting packages) to stay. In the same way, we put our website content or files on one of the hosting providers.
So here we present you Best Web Hosting companies :
1-InMotion Hosting: Inmotion hosting is a alternative in terms of users satisfaction. They have a score of 9.2 which is best among many of the companies. It also pleases its clients with its facilities and reliable hosting and offers various services for users like Web designing and development services for its users. Depending on the website you are creating, you can consider it one of the biggest asset in this area. As a matter of its intelligence, Inmotion presents pride in itself with a commitment to open sources and features sponsorship with three of the major platforms like Joomla, b2evolution, PrestaShop. It is also suitable for choice for developing and growing business.
Some of the main factors which make it unique are:
- Shared hosting, VPS hosting and dedicated servers.
- Affordable hosting solution for small to medium-sized business.
- Data interpreted for tutorials and education channel, articles including FAQs.
- SSH and E-Commerce hosting.
- Loaded with well-organised content that enhances the capabilities if their clients.
Reviews of Inmotion Hosting:
Clients have rated it well. They are pretty much satisfied with its content and presentation. It has pros like average uptime of 99.95%, fast server speed, customer support 10/10, 90-day money back guarantee, free site transfer, E-Commerce support, free data backup, Google app integration and many more. Some cons like delayed verification process, some plan limitations, low advertised pricing.
Their uptime, speed, support were all phenomenal.
2-HOSTGATOR: HostGator is the top choice of most of the clients in the top best companies of Web Hosting. It specialises in websites, VPS hosting and dedicated servers for over 9 million users so far. It’s cloud hosting packages are at affordable rates and is best among all and guarantee 2x faster performance and 4x enhanced stability and dashboard which is easy to use. HostGator offers built for speed plans with high speed and advanced security of high data and compatibility. A dedicated hosting packages will equip you with an end to end management for ultimate performance. HostGator is best known for its dedicated services and be able to exchange views with website owners. It features a wide array of hosting options, lots of freebies, great support and guarantees.
HostGator is unique in its own way as:
- Website, VPS hosting and dedicated services.
- 10 different fibre providers, including hardware from Time Warner and AT&T.
- 99% uptime guarantee and an RSS feed for service status update.
- 45 days money back guarantee.
- Large no. of high profile partners such as Cisco, Dell, AT&T.
Reviews of HostGator Hosting
HostGator is a great deal between performance and price. The company offers unlimited emails, SQL database, disc space and bandwidth. Best overall rating is 4.5 and the setup time is 6 minutes. HostGator excels in providing simple yet effective user experience. The setup process is used in getting with it. It has one press WordPress install and free blog tools.
3-HOSTWINDS: It is considered as one of the best hosting websites for not only providing with 99.999% uptime, it also provides with 24/7 customer support. It boasts of 100% satisfaction rate for users with a solid 60-day money back offer. It’s two data centres are Dallas, Texas and Seattle. Hostwinds provides SSL certification, VPN and Minecraft SSD servers hosting g on top of its regular packages that offer various services. Its network design has a redundant communication pathway that secures the availability and comes notified access for its users it has a new pathway that recreated its path to new system pathways.
Some of the measures which make it unique are:
- Two data centres with 24/7 armed security and recorded video surveillance.
- A free dedicated IP address for all its users.
- Cloud servers can be set up in less than 30 seconds.
- Unmetered bandwidth for shared Web Hosting.
Reviews of HostWinds Hosting
Its reviews are pretty much positive as it has a 60-day money back offer and visitors play a key role in its development and for enhancing its services. Hostwinds has been in business from about a decade and the companies marketing material emphasises superior customer support and a 99.99% guarantee.
4-HOSTINGER: If you are looking for some yet effective MySQL, FTP, PHP hosting services then you should look upon Hostinger. Developed to support individual site owners, small and developing business, Hostinger supports a free domain, unlimited disk and bandwidth, unrestricted access to premium support and no one faster to WordPress host. It attracts up to 29 million of free and paid clients on its sites. It has a 30-day money guarantee pack is provided alongside any paid plan, to give users a chance to examine its unique features.
Hostinger is unique in its own way because:
- Known as the cheapest Web hosting alternative.
- 3x optimised speed for premium users.
- 24/7 support services via live chats, video calls.
- Efficient and affordable MySQL, FTP, PHP hosting services no services.
Reviews of Hostinger hosting
Behind a mission to make life easier for website developers and their customers, it provides fast, stable and streamlined services that are very hard to beat.
5-GoDaddy: Similar to HostGator, GoDaddy also spending. GoDaddy has the best website hosting supposed to function. The American traded company go past HostGator to secure its network and to get some advantages of enhanced technology that is developing in recent times. GoDaddy, after some time, can be considered as one of the biggest assets of the Internet world. GoDaddy has a customer acquaintance of 24/7/365 support and professional assistance.
What makes GoDaddy unique?
- World’s largest domain name hub and hosting service provider
- Affordable SSL certificates for data safety.
- Hands-on website builder for novice users.
- Website, business, WordPress, VPS, and dedicated hosting.
Reviews of GoDaddy Hosting :
It has a strong uptime and speed but has many drawbacks. Their Base plan gives up to 100 GB storage and unmetered bandwidth. Their customer support is slow and frustrating, they take too much time to solve the issues and their money back guarantee is sketchy on top of it all. But all over a better hosting site to rely upon.