
Tips given by Chanakya to achieve self discipline

Discipline means rules which aims at keeping you punctual, utilizing your time,etc. Its aim is to bring the best out of you. For instance, external discipline like following office rules, reporting at a particular time,etc helps in overall development. We start valuing our time. is all about external discipline because the force which binds us is external.

There is another kind of discipline that is internal discipline. External force is not required and that’s why internal discipline is also known as self discipline. Whatever one does alone shows how much he has self-discipline. For instance, Are you going to study for your exam or to improve your skills or Party all night on weekends?

It shows how disciplined you are. No one is skilled with such skill but by practicing and making choices consciously we master our skills.

According to Chanakya,”One doing whatever pleases him does not achieve anything”, it means just going with the flow is not going to take you anywhere. We need to decide what is to be done and then work to achieve it. One can follow these steps to achieve self discipline –


Clear goal or agenda


If you have a goal then you can go in that direction but when a person does not have any goal or any clear agenda then the probability is more that he will remain unsuccessful or won’t be able to achieve what he is capable of.


Keep a track


If you can not track your record then you can not understand whether you are going on the right or wrong path. So, we should keep a track by sharing our goals to close ones.


Try on your own


It means to take charge of your life. To understand that your life is yours and you can make it hell or heaven so one needs to take action to achieve self discipline.

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