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What we can learn from Economic crisis in Srilanka
We all are aware of the Economic crisis in Srilanka. People aren’t getting the basic necessities. There is no electricity,…
Is it okay to fail?
Sometimes, we are so indulged in our life and success that we forget to analyse other aspects of life and…
Can we minimise the suicidal thoughts among Teenagers?
These days we are witnessing many suicide cases. ‘Childhood’ is the most beautiful phase of life but what are we…
Why do you need to give importance to health?
When a person is healthy then he can achieve anything in life because you cannot work when you suffer due…
Things you should know about Nadimarg Massacre
Most of us watched the movie “Kashmir Files” (not delving into the facts whether the movie is propaganda, etc or…
What is the provision of execution under Code of Civil Procedure?
Execution means to implement or to enforce the decision of the Court in a specific dispute. The decision may be…
How to live a healthy life without giving much effort?
Healthy life is achieved through discipline, eating healthy food, and exercise. There is a direct connection between food and the…
What is the extended deadline for Covid 19 aid?
Recently, Supreme Court observed that “many people are making false claim for Covid 19 death compensation” which is against the…