
Beauty foods – Magical foods to enhance your beauty

Every girl’s dream is to look gorgeous and hot. However, to look amazing, you should not only take care of yourself externally, but internal beauty is also essential. Consuming right food will assist you to get a radiant glow. It also keeps your skin supple and soft and even vanishes wrinkles. There are many beauty foods which help you to enhance your beauty. Below we have listed some magical beauty foods which can help you out to look beautiful:

  • Water

Staying hydrated is the best way to increase beauty. You should drink about 8 to 10 glasses of water daily to stay healthy and beautiful. Beauty experts suggest drinking a warm glass of water daily get a glowing skin. You can mix lemon in it to detoxify your body.

  • Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is known to be the best food for beauty. You should opt for a Dark chocolate with at least 70 percent of cocoa present in it. For sure will do wonders for your skin. Cocoa is best for stress and effectively reduce it. Keep in mind to consume dark chocolate in moderation as it also contains sugar, fats and many calories too.

  • Papaya

Papaya work wonders for your skin, however, you have also used papaya scrub many times to enhance your beauty. This fruit is fully packed with Vitamin C which works to brighten and tighten your skin naturally. Presence of papain, in Papaya, which is a digestive enzyme assist in reducing skin redness due to inflammation.

  • Tomato juice

Drinking fresh tomato juice will make your skin beautiful as the presence of lycopene prevents skin from UVA and UVB damage. One glass of tomato juice daily will give your dull skin a new life. You should opt for organic tomato juice. You can also prepare tomato and watermelon as a mixture of juice.

  • Spinach

Spinach is the best leafy vegetable to consume for beauty and health. It is a rich source of Vitamin A, which is essential for growth in skin .it is fully packed with Vitamin C also which assist maintenance of collagen.

  • Beets

Beets are known to be the best food to consume for youthful skin. It has a perfect combination of vitamins as well as minerals which assist in stimulating cell production. It is very helpful for skin repairing and premature ageing. As per the expert, adding root vegetable juice will enhance your beauty for sure.

  • Blueberries

Presence of anthocyanins in Blueberries makes its powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants fight free radicals and also assist in preventing premature ageing signs. Blueberries are the rich source of mineral and vitamin and owing to this they are known to be the superfood for the skin. It has many health and skin benefits and also helps to repair the damaged skin.

  • Almonds

Almonds are known to be the healthy snacks, however it also a great beauty food. These are a rich source of Vitamin E, and so it is said to be the skin beautifying antioxidant. As per the research, Vitamin E helps to fight the ageing signs and also assist in getting a supple and soft skin.

Always take care of your skin if you want to look beautiful. As healthy skin is the indicator of a healthy lifestyle. Your daily diet can affect your beauty as your skin is susceptible to what all you eat. By adding above listed beauty foods in your diet, you can enhance your beauty. Sometimes the most expensive and high-quality beauty products not work but a healthy diet always works and will offer a good result. So stay updated, stay beautiful.

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