JEE Main Admit Card 2019: JEE Main Admit Card will be released on 20th March 2019. Applicants who will be attending for JEE Main exam can visit on the official site https://jeemain.nic.in
JEE Main 2019 exam will be held from April 07th to April 12th, 2019 in Computer Based Mode. JEE Main Admit Card is a significant document and must be carried to the exam hall of JEE Main examination.
JEE Main Admit Card 2019
JEE Main 2019 exam will be carried out by the National Testing Agency. It will be held twice a year that is January and April. Candidates can attend the exam both the times and the big score of the two scores will be taken for final merit listing.
How to Download 2019 JEE Admit Card?
1) Log on to the official site: https://jeemain.nic.in
2) Click on the link flashing towards the middle of the page ‘Login for JEE Main Admit Card
3) Login to the site using your application number and password.
4) Enter your roll number and date of birth in DD/MM/YYYY format
5) Submit your details
6) View and download your admit card
7) Take printout for further use
JEE Main Admit Card – Why it is very important?
- Those that will show up in the exam must show their JEE Main Admit Card 2019 alongside a legitimate photo ID as identity proof at the entrance of the examination center
- As per the official tenets, if any candidate doesn’t carry his/her JEE Main Admit Card at that point he/she won’t be allowed to enter the examination hall in any conditions.
- Also, admit card contains the imperative information identified with the candidate, subjects, and examination
The information you will need while signing in
- To download the Admit Card competitors are required to remember their login details while marking in on the official site.
- The competitors were requested to enter their Application Number, Password and Date of Birth to get their admit card.
- In case – if any of the applicants forgot his/her application number or password, at that point he/she could get back it by receiving the verification code through Email/SMS.
- If there are any errors on the e-admit card, you must bring it to the notice of JEE immediately.