The preliminary answer keys of JEE Main 2021 for the March session have been released by the NTA at the official website of NTA JEE – jeemain.nta.nic.in/nta.ac.in on March 20. It is also expected that the result for the March session exam can be announced just after the release of the final answer keys.
Today is the last date to challenge the JEE Main 2021 answer key march session. Candidates who have any objection regarding the answer key, can fill the form and also upload the relevant documents in reference to the error answer key.
Candidates who want to challenge the preliminary answer key can visit the website and fill the form with an objection fee of Rs. 200 per question. Candidates should know that the fee is non-refundable.
How to challenge JEE Main 2021 Answer Keys of March Session:
- Go to the official website
- Click on the link that reads ‘Challenge Regarding Answer Key’
- Login with credential ID and password
- The ID next to the question under the column ‘correct option’ is the correct answer. If you wish to challenge the option, use one or more of the option IDs given in the next four columns by clicking the check box
- Upload supporting documents
- Save your claim and move to the next steps
- You will be able to see the all option IDs you have challenged
- Click on the save claim button and pay the objection-fee Rs. 200 per objection
The answer key is available in PDF format. Candidates can check the correct answer key for each question from the answer key and can match it with their answer through the response sheets to calculate their expected marks.
JEE Main 2021 April session exam is scheduled to be held from April 27 to April 30, 2021. Students can check the exam date at jeemain.nta.nic.in. However, NTA has not announced the date of admit card will be made available.
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