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NEET 2021: Exam Date, Best Books, And Complete NEET 2021 Syllabus

Check here for the complete course detail, best book, and syllabus

By Swati Mishra

NEET 2021: Through this article, you can get the complete details about The National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) 2021. We compiled the list of books, course, exam pattern, and syllabus.

What is the NEET exam?

The National Eligibility cum Entrance Test NEET, formerly the All India Pre-Medical Test, is known to be one of the most competitive exams in the country as lakh of students who want to become a part of the medical industry and wish to study undergraduate medical course and dental courses in government or private medical and dental college register to appear in the examination.

NEET exam is not an easy exam lakh of students participate in this exam and they put their heart and soul in it to crack the exam so, all the aspirants who are wishing to seat in this exam next year that is 2021, need to start their preparation from now so that they can secure good rank. If the students start preparing for the examination a year before it would not be felt the burden and its preparation becomes easy. Along with a considerable amount of time students have to focus on the good book and strategy.

For cracking the exam, an aspirant should approach to the best books and study the complete syllabus for the NEET exam.

All the aspirants have to counter themselves regarding books like which book they should read for NEET? What strategy needs to be planned? When to decide? etc. the syllabus is provided by the National Testing Agency in its information brochure, however, some factor to look for while choosing the best book for NEET 2021 exam are- basic concepts are dealt in the book, practice sets are available, previous year question paper and relevant example would be described that help in understanding the core and concepts of the topic.


NEET syllabus is prescribed by the Medical Council of India (MCI) and contains topics in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology from the class 11th and 12th.


NEET 2021 Syllabus:

Before jumping in the ocean of books for the preparation of the exam, students need to know the whole syllabus carefully so that they can lead their preparation in the right direction. Without analyzing the syllabus no one can get the right link to connect their strategy and concentration. To know the topic and subjects, syllabus is the most important aspect. The exercise is more important as the topics are from both class 11 and class 12 so the preparation must be planned accordingly.

Candidates preparing for NEET 2021 have become curious and whether the syllabus for this entrance test will also be reduced. NEET syllabus 2021 is also expected to be revised. This revised syllabus of NEET 2021 is expected to be announced in November. In this article, we have mentioned a link where you can check the topics which have been excluded from the curriculum of the Board examination. Students preparing for NEET 2021 can omit these topics for now, until a revised NEET 2021 syllabus is announced by the National Testing Agency NTA.


Complete NEET Syllabus 2021 for physics:

S. No.  Class 11S. No.Class 12
1Physical World and Measurement1Electronics
2Kinematics2Current Electricity
3The Laws of Motion3Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
4Work, Energy and Power4Electromagnetic Waves
5Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body5Optics
6Gravitation6Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
7The Properties of Bulk Matter7Atoms and Nuclei
8Thermodynamics8Electronic devices
9Behavior of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory9Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current
10Oscillations and Waves10


Complete syllabus for Chemistry:

S. No. Class 11S. No.Class 12
1Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry1p-Block Elements
2Structure of Atom2D and f Block Elements
3Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties3Haloalkanes and Haloaeenes
4Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure4Solid State
5States of Matter: Gases and Liquids5Electrochemistry
6Thermodynamics6Chemical Kinetics
7Equilibrium7Surface Chemistry
8Redox Reactions8General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
9Environmental Chemistry9Alcohols Phenols and Ethers
10Hydrogen10Aldehydes Ketoned and Carboxylic Acids
11Organic Chemistry- Some Basic Principles and Techniques11Biomolecules
13S-block Element13Chemistry in Everyday Life
14Some p-book Elements14Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
16Coordination Compounds


Complete NEET Syllabus for Biology:

S. No.Class 11S. No.Class 12
1Structural Organization in Animals and Plants1Reproduction
2Diversity in living World2Biology and Human Welfare
3Cell Structure and Function3Genetics and Evolution
4Plant Physiology4Ecology and Environment
5Human Physiology5Biotechnology and Its Applications


Note: candidates must note that the reduction in NEET syllabus will be only for the candidates appearing for the examination in 2021. The syllabus for the candidates who plan to appear for the examination in 2022 remains the same as the NEET syllabus 2020.


Expected remove topic from the chapter

The topics that can be removed from the NEET syllabus 2021 for Physics, chemistry, and biology have been listed here (to know click here). Candidate must remember these are predicted chapter that can be removed, for now; you can keep these chapters in the low priority list. Candidates are advised to go through the list of the topic and make a note of all the topics that have a lot of numeric-based questions in NEET 2020. They must not exclude these chapters but you can give them less attention.


BEST books for NEET Physics

One of the toughest sections is physics in the NEET preparation. It requires extensive and consistent knowledge of basic concepts, theory, and numerical method. This section in NEET contains a total of 45 questions for 180 marks. Some important topics are Electrostatics, Mechanics, and Electronics. Investing in the right books will help you prepare for physics more accurately and effectively. The list given below will help you in the preparation of the examination.

  1. NCERT Physics class 11th and class 12th
  2. The Concept of Physics by H. C. Verma
  3. The objective of Physics by DC Pandey
  4. Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick and Walker
  5. Fundamental Physics by Pradeep
  6. The problem in General Physics by IE Irodov



Best books for NEET Chemistry


Chemistry is a subject in the NEET exam where 45 questions are asked for 180 marks these 45 questions are further segregated into three namely organic, inorganic, and physical. Previous years trends clearly show physical and organic chemistry having a high weightage. While physical Chemistry contains questions that test the numerical ability of the students. Organic chemistry contains question-related to interlinking. Inorganic chemistry is the easiest section in comparison to the other two sections. Books for chemistry are mentioned below:


  1. NCERT Chemistry textbooks for Class 11th and 12th
  2. Physical Chemistry by OP Tondon
  3. ABC of Chemistry for Classes 12 and 12 by JD Lee
  4. Practice book by VK Jaiswal (inorganic), MS Chauhan (organic), and N Awasthi (Physical)
  5. Basic concept of Chemistry – solid state
  6. Book based on the Structure of Atom Solution



Best book for NEET Biology

The Biology paper has been divided into two subjects that are Botany and Zoology. The biology section contains the maximum weightage and hence, students should pay more attention to the subject. In the preparation of Biology, students can take help from the bellowed mention book. The best can make your concept strong and interlink them with the objective questions. Books are:

  1. NCERT Biology Class 11th and 12th textbooks
  2. Biology volume 1 and 2 by Trueman
  3. Objective Biology by Dinesh
  4. Objective Botany by Ansari
  5. Pradeep Guide on Biology
  6. GR Bathla publications for Biology
  7. Previous year paper and practice set by the relevant source

NEET Exam Pattern 2021:

After getting the full knowledge of the syllabus and books candidate must go through the exam pattern like, How many questions are asked? How much time is given? Is there any sectional timing? etc. Knowing the exam pattern gives a clear image of preparation whether it is NEET exam or other. NEET exam contains 180 questions to be answered in the given time that is three hours. There is negative marking too so that candidates should be careful while marking the answer.


Subject Types of questionNumber of questionMarks
PhysicsMultiple choice question MCQ with four correct answer45180
Chemistry Multiple choice question MCQ with four correct answer45180
Biology (Botany and Zoology)90360


I hope this article will help you in the journey of your preparation for the NEET exam 2021. All the very best. For more update, you can visit the NTA website  –  click here.

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