Cyber Security
France among first nation to confirm presence of spyware on two journalists’ phones
According to official confirmation, French government agency says Pegasus spyware was used to route Edwy Plenel, Lenaig Bredoux, France’s cybersecurity…
US Government Website Hacked with Pro-Iran Messages and Bloodied Trump’s Image
Hackers are at it again, this time supposedly from Iran which hacked a US government website and posted a picture…
Microsoft takes control American, Japanese, South Korean Domains after attack from North Korean Hackers
On Monday, a North Korean Hacker group called Thallium hacked into web domains with the target of launching a cyberattack…
FaceApp: Everything you need to know about the viral app
Faceapp is an image editing mobile application for iOS and Android developed by Wireless Lab, a Russian company which uses AI and neural…