If you are facing any problem related to the PF account then now it can be reported through WhatsApp. EPFO has launched a WhatsApp helpline service for quick resolution of shareholders’ complaints. Under this service, PF shareholders can interact directly with the regional offices of EPFO at the individual level. This feature of WhatsApp is available in its 138 regional offices located in the country.
A list of WhatsApp Helpline numbers is given on the official website of EPFO www.epfindia.gov.in. You can get information about your area number by visiting this link.
EPFO already provides many forums to listen to the problems of Grievance Redressal, including EPFIGMS portal, CPGRAMS and Facebook-Twitter. Apart from this, EPFO also runs its 24×7 call centre, where you can call and tell your problem.
How to check PF balance?
You can check your FIFE balance in four ways. 1- Through the EPFO website. 2- via SMS. 3- Through missed call. 4- Through UMANG App.
- You can check the balance of the PF account through SMS, but for this, your UAN number should be registered with EPFO.
- You have to SMS EPFOHO UAN from your registered mobile number to 7738299899.
- If you want details related to balance in any other language including Hindi, then you have to write a three-letter code of the language. For Hindi, you have to message by writing EPFOHO UAN HIN.
Via missed call
- EPF balance can also be called by making a missed call on 011-22901406 from the registered mobile number with the EPFO.
How to check the balance through UMANG App?
- Download the Umang App on your smartphone through the Play Store.
- Register your phone number and login to the app.
- Go to the menu in the top left corner and go to the ‘Service Directory’.
- Search and click on the EPFO option here.
- After going to the View Passbook here, check the balance through your UAN number and OTP.
Via EPFO portal
- Log on to the EPFO website. Click on e-passbook on gov.in
- On clicking on the e-passbook, a new page will come on epfindia.gov.in.
- You have to fill in your username (UAN number), password and captcha.
- After filling in all the details, you will come to a new page and the member ID will have to be selected here.
- Here you will get your EPF balance on the e-passbook.