
International Education Day On January 24; Recover & Revitalize Education Is Theme Of Year 2021

This year, UNESCO focuses on the unique theme for International education day considering the COVID-19 pandemic. New generations are required to understand that education and health go together.

“On January 24, 2018, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming this day as International Day of Education in celebration of education for peace and development. As per the data shared by UNESCO, the closure of schools, colleges, universities, and other learning institutions, as well as the interruption of many literacy and lifelong learning programs, has affected the lives of 1.6 billion students in over 190 countries.”

Education is a fundamental right of every person as it is the only way to surpass the obstacle of life and achieve peace & harmony within the self. Through knowledge, we are connected people globally we can share the idea of development and communicate one other in order to establish a better world for living.

It’s been told that the uneducated person is not less than an uncivilized creature and everyone needs to understand the power of words. Words have the power to bring changes in society and contribute self to make a civilized society.

Every year, international Education Day is celebrated with the unique theme. This year, the theme for International Education Day is “Recover and Revitalize Education for the COVID -19 Generation” which focus on the coronavirus pandemic. Due to the pandemic we have suffered and learned too how life can change predication.

The main motto behind the theme ‘Recover and Revitalize Education for the COVID-19’ is that health comes first. With the help of knowledge, we can achieve everything and face all challenges. Spirit of learning is a seed that turns into a beautiful plant which not only provides shelter to you but also brings a raise of hope in society.

Humans are not known as humans only by its birth but how they behave and treat human being, make them human.

On the International Education Day vice president of India M. Venkaiah Naidu tweeted an encouraging messing via his social media platform.


Objectives of International Education Day 2021:

Celebrate initiatives taken by governments, educators, organizations – from global to grassroots efforts- as well as partnership demonstrating the potential to recommit education to principles of equity and relevance.

Reassure commitments and follow-up on actions taken to protect education through the recovery, increase inclusion and reduce the number of drop-outs.

Together we can surmount all the challenges and unity in the education system, is need of time.

Give voice to the COVID-19 generation to express their concerns and aspirations in the face of a future marked by an economic recession and climate change.

Loses can be recovered and health will be revitalized with the help of determination and dedication. Youths have witnessed the most unpredictable era COVID-19 pandemic period. Teach oneself to become better oneself by taking responsibility and serving humanity.


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