
Are you cheating yourself?

Cheating, fraud, misrepresentation, coercion, breach of trust and the count goes on. We live in a generation where many people say, promises are meant to be broken. This is the generation where most of us never care about promises, all they know is how to take benefit out of relationships. Most of us are among them, just the degree varies.

But when you cheat others, not the grave one, then the person can feel betrayed or if he doesn’t know then you don’t feel any issue at all.

But do you when you are cheating others somewhere you are betraying yourself too?

It’s human tendency to love and have social relationships with people. So whenever you are cheating someone without regret, then you need to look within yourself.

Cheating is morally wrong but it becomes dangerous when you have no regret at all. Humans need to have passion, love, understanding and care towards others. But when you lack such things, you start betraying yourself.

You can’t live a peaceful life if you are not at peace with yourself. For sure, if you are at peace with yourself, you won’t be going to hurt anyone for anything.

Without delving into the norms of society, or moral values, you still need to be caring and avoid cheating, fraud, and various such things for your own mental peace.

No matter how you are, what your values and principles are, there is a probability that you will remain fearful and anxious about your wrongful act. And when the other person gets to know about the truth, you’ll be feeling terrible and somehow will try to cope up with the wrong you did.

So, when you think that you are cheating others or betraying anyone, it means you first betray yourself then you move ahead. You betray the innocent person within you, the happy person, the fearless person with you.

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